4N-CH4 NDIR Methane Sensor

High sensitivity, high resolution, low power consumption and fast response time

Provide UART, analog voltage and other output modes

Temperature compensation, excellent linear output, excellent stability and long service life

Resistance to water vapor interference and poisoning


Product Overview

N-CH4 The combustible gas sensor is a general intelligent infrared gas sensor (hereinafter referred to as the sensor). It uses the principle of non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) to detect the hydrocarbon combustible gas in the air. It has good selectivity, no oxygen dependence, stable performance, long service life, and built-in temperature compensation. The sensor is a compact and high-performance sensor made by combining infrared absorption gas detection technology with micro-machining and sophisticated circuit design. It is easy to use and can be used as a substitute for catalytic sensors. It is widely used in various occasions where there are flammable and explosive gases.

Application Field

  • HVAC and indoor air quality inspection
  • Industrial process and safety protection monitoring
  • Agricultural and animal husbandry production process monitoring

Product Characteristics

  • High sensitivity, high resolution, low power consumption and fast response time
  • Provide UART, analog voltage and other output modes
  • Temperature compensation, excellent linear output, excellent stability and long service life
  • Resistance to water vapor interference and poisoning


Technical parameters

Model N-CH4
Detecting Gas methane
Working Voltage 3.6~5.0VDC(need to be  powered by safety barrier )
Average Current <85mA
Testing Range 0~100%Vol
Interface level 3.0V
Output Signal UART
0.4~2.0 V( Output through
safety barrier )
Preheating Time 3min
Response Time T90 < 30s
Working Temperature -20~60℃
Working Humidity 0~95% RH(No Condenmaton )
Overall dimension Φ20 mm X 22.6 mm
Weight 35g
Service Time > 5Y
Protection grade IP54
Intrinsically safe Ui:5.5V,Ii:125mA
parameters Pi:0.172W,Ci:10.92μF,Li:0μH

Sensor structure diagram


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